Customer Testimonials

We treat all of our customers like they were our very first

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See what our commercial moving customers are saying about their moving experience with High Energy Transport:

These guys are great for office moves. High Energy Transport is honest and operates with integrity, which is unfortunately rare in the moving industry. They'll do the entire office move, even electrical and plumbing, to make the whole process smooth. There's enough going on during an office move, it's nice not to have to worry about this part.

Wow, these guys are great. I just met with the Sales Director to better understand what High Energy Transports commercial moving business. I could not believe the detail he went into about their many points of difference versus other commercial movers. I guess I should not have been surprised as they have won the Home Stars "Mover of the Year in the GTA in 2016, 2017 and 2018. There is only one place I am going for my next commercial move! Thanks High Energy Transport.

Pierre is passionate about creating an amazing client experience, eliminating the unknowns and facilitating a seamless move. He was throughout in his explanation of the moving process and very easy to communicate with. I would highly recommend working with this company for your commercial or residential moving needs.


High Energy Transport did a great job with our office move. They were on time, under budget and didn't break a thing! I would definitely recommend them to anyone.

I have met with Pierre (President) to better understand what makes High Energy Transport different in this business segment. The devil is in the details, I can see that they believe in the mantra that "Doing the right thing is the always the right thing." This to me is a key reason to why they have won the Home Stars "Mover of the Year" in the GTA in 2016, 2017 and 2018

Word from Our Customers

Very impressed with Leo who explained so many unique features about what dealing with High Energy Transport is all about! I am looking for any way to help them work for business owners in their moving and storage requirements! Thanks Leo

Phil Kriszenfeld

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